Calculator | MHIA Insurance
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MHIA Insurance may pay a policyholder (or carry out the works) in the event of a valid claim, up to a set financial limit. This is called the sum-insured and represents the maximum value of your policy. Choosing the right sum-insured for your property and contents is important. Should the worst happen and you have undervalued your assets, you may not have enough financial capacity to rebuild or replace all of your belongings. Web calculators that reference current building and replacement costs play an important part in helping you decide the sum-insured.

Building calculator

Estimate the cost to rebuild your house

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Building calculator disclaimer

The results from this calculator are an approximate guide only and should not be taken as advice or a recommendation to acquire any product or level of insurance cover. Typical building replacement costs are provided by RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (ABN 67 087 759 171) (“CoreLogic”). Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information as a guide for costing, no responsibility is accepted by either Cordell or SI for its accuracy. Please check with an Architect, Builder, Quantity Surveyor, Valuer or other suitably qualified professional for an accurate estimate and consider whether you need to obtain financial advice before selecting an insurance product suitable for you. MHIA Insurance takes no responsibility for assessing the suitability of the calculator for your own requirements. You agree that your use of this calculator is at your own risk. By viewing or using this calculator(s), you are deemed to accept the above.

It is important to understand calculators provide only a guide for rebuilding your existing building. In some locations (such as those exposed to bushfires, floods and cyclones), rebuilding in the same style and materials after a total loss (for instance, if your building is destroyed or irreparably damaged in a fire) may not be possible due to local government regulations. Check with your local council or shire to find out if your property is in a hazard zone that may have a requirement for different building standards to apply in the event your property is a total loss. These different building standards could significantly affect your rebuilding costs. Factoring these additional costs into your sum-insured will be an important consideration. A qualified local builder may also provide further guidance on rebuilding costs in accordance with relevant building standards and local planning laws.

Contents calculator

Estimate the cost to replace your home contents

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Contents calculator disclaimer

The results from this calculator are an approximate guide only and should not be taken as advice or a recommendation to acquire any product or level of insurance cover. Typical contents replacement costs are provided by Sum Insured Pty Ltd (A.B.N 55 947 630 521) (‘SI’). Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information as a guide for costing, no responsibility is accepted by either Cordell or SI for its accuracy. Please check with an Architect, Builder, Quantity Surveyor, Valuer or other suitably qualified professional for an accurate estimate and consider whether you need to obtain financial advice before selecting an insurance product suitable for you. MHIA Insurance takes no responsibility for the costs provided by SI, nor any liability for the accuracy of, reliance upon or use of the costs. You accept all responsibility for assessing the suitability of the calculator for your own requirements. You agree that your use of this calculator is at your own risk. By viewing or using the calculator(s), you are deemed to accept the above.